’I worked with Sarah whilst looking after a lady in her own home who needed palliative care. Sarah bought compassion and a deep understanding of the soul’s journey when departing this life. Sarah's use of Sound Healing eased minds and bodies that were tired, putting us in tune with a higher aspect of ourselves, which made the whole process of passing to be one of consciousness. Her humour and wit gave us courage to face the darkest hours, and her nursing expertise gave reassurance when needed. She not only cared for her client but also the people involved. She is intuitive, empathic and incredibly kind, and anyone working with Sarah will have found a lady who is a little bit of magic. Thank you Sarah for making my work in palliative care a spiritual and incredible experience.’

Alison, Exeter.

‘I received some distant Reiki from Sarah when recovering from Covid. Although most physical symptoms had cleared, I still lacked energy and felt unusually low in mood. The evening of the scheduled Reiki I had forgotten all about it, but felt my mood lift and my state of being shift entirely, as if a wet blanket or cloud had been lifted from me. Moments after experiencing this I received a text from Sarah to let me know the Reiki was complete – I was stunned. Although I trusted the Reiki would help I had not expected such a tangible shift, felt clearly at the moment the Reiki was sent, despite my having forgotten all about it! A lovely addition was that my partner also reported feeling lighter/better at the same time.’

Libby, Exeter.

‘Sarah facilitates strong, deep and powerful healing and holds the space well. She puts me into a very deep state of relaxation throughout the entire session. I experience lots of energy shifts during her treatments, and always feel completely different afterwards.’

Claire, Exminster.

‘Let me tell you about Sarah, my Soul Midwife. She has been supporting me through the latter stages of lung cancer. She has helped with practical issues and emotional, liaised with the medical team, discussed funeral plans whilst keeping things light hearted, and shared her sound healing and reiki therapies. I had heard of reiki but was somewhat sceptical. However, I’m under the palliative care team right now with certainly less than 6 months left on my lifetimes season ticket, and one of the lovely nurses suggested I give reiki a go! It’s main claim is to relax you and clear your mind, and to reduce anxiety. Sarah completely convinced me I need not be sceptical anymore after just two sessions. I was now convinced at a tough time of my life whilst suffering all the previously mentioned maladies, that this was a highly beneficial therapy. At times I could literally feel my physical pain leaving my body, like it was being absorbed by a sponge. Just incredible. I cannot speak highly enough of Sarah and thoroughly recommend her services.’

Jeff, Newton Abbot.

‘Sarah has been spending time with my mother each week using her Soul Midwifery, to help my mother’s anxiety. As a family we have found it to be very beneficial to Mum. She is more peaceful and serene, instead of the constant anxiety and stress of thinking about dying.

Sarah has a very caring nature, so she builds a lasting and loving relationship with her patients, which in turn makes them relax and feel special. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone who has a loved one in a nursing home.’

Elaine, Torbay.

‘I have known Sarah for thirteen years in a personal and working capacity. She worked as a personal assistant for my very close friend who had multiple disabilities being deaf, blind and with very restricted mobility. She was however a perceptive, determined and highly intelligent lady who lived independently, but did require assistance with everyday tasks to enable her to pursue her career in local government and Bristol University. I’ve provided this background to help illustrate the considerable skills Sarah has as a personal assistant. So often in caring it is easy to swoop in and take over, adding to further feelings of disablement. Sarah was very sensitive to this, and although they became close friends she was able to switch roles and be a personal assistant as required. Sarah has a wide range of personal and practical skills, and is an excellent communicator and listener. She has lots of initiative and worked closely with my friend on finding solutions to the problems posed by her increasing disabilities, while being sensitive to her need to feel in charge of her life. Working with blindness requires particular skills with attention to fine detail of knowing where everything should be, and ensuring the home is safe. Sarah had these skills in abundance. She also excels in time management and organisation, and works exceptionally hard. I have no hesitation in recommending her.’

Linda, Bridgwater.

‘I had two Sound Healing sessions with Sarah online just after lockdown. I had been so busy taking care of my three year old and elderly mother, that by the end of lockdown I felt totally drained. My body started to react to the stress. I had no energy and my throat was always sore, and my metabolism was sluggish (I have hypothyroidism). After having an initial chat with Sarah she prepared a vocal sound healing for me. As the session began I felt instantly connected to Sarah's voice. The effect was spellbinding. As I listened I felt myself completely relax for the first time in months. The next day I had a feeling of lightness that gave me bounce in my step. I felt lifted and clear headed. A few days later I had a second session and I felt deeply connected to the earth it was almost otherworldly. I had an overwhelming feeling of love and connectedness. After those two sessions it was clear that just by taking the time to do something for myself and focus on my wellbeing, that my healing process had begun. Thank you Sarah!’

Greta, Bristol.

‘I was lucky to meet Sarah while she cared for a good friend of mine at her home on Dartmoor. I did not know that people can have such an authentic level of care, and holding of a space for someone who is preparing to leave this world. Until I met Sarah. The sense of familiarity and closeness with which she cared for my friend was so reassuring and heart warming. We couldn’t have asked for more in those last days. We were simply and truly grateful that by her side was someone she felt completely comfortable with, and someone who genuinely cared that she left this world in a loving and caring way.’

Bojana, Newquay.

‘I suffer badly from Arthritis, and Sarah with her healing hands and lovely music she plays de-stresses me. It has definitely changed how I feel, and makes my day when I see her. I will certainly recommend Sarah to anyone who has any disabilities or needs any help. She takes away the stress I feel in myself.

She is a lovely lady and makes me feel at ease, and makes everyone feel welcome. Her personality is extremely comforting and makes you feel so much better.’

Wendy, Paignton.

‘I feel good when I see Sarah. She is a very kind friend, and has been coming now for some time. I appreciate her calls. It is very nice to see her.’

Kathy, Paignton.

‘Sound healing via Zoom, well how's that going to work, I asked myself... and then proceeded to have a series of some of the most powerful healings I've ever experienced – and that's saying something for this veteran of transformational treatments over the last twenty years: I know what proper top-grade healing is, and this is it! It's so extraordinary that it works remotely, but it really does. On each occasion I felt profound shifts happening in me, and was granted strength and relief during some extremely difficult times. I ended each treatment feeling markedly different to how I'd begun, and I found the effects were cumulative and lasting. I really can't recommend Sarah's work highly enough: it's a true balm for the body mind spirit, gentle safe and strong, full of love and wonderful energy.’

Alice, Bristol.

‘Sarah has a natural gift for healing and approached my treatment with professionalism, and a friendly warm hearted personal touch. Sarah took time out to understand what I needed from the reiki session and tailored it accordingly. I felt very comfortable and relaxed throughout, and for the few days afterwards was noticeably calmer and energised. Sarah’s after care was amazing, checking in on me to ensure I was okay and that I had got the most out of my treatment.’

Paul, Newton Abbot.

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A Poem written by someone I cared for

I have just spent a spell on Ward 26

When I arrived, I was in a bit of a fix

Breathing was bad, bowels too

Making it tedious to use the loo!

With the care of the wonderful staff

I was able to raise a bit of a laugh or maybe a smile

Out of the blue too good to be true

The ambience became electric!

A staff nurse came on the scene

With a smile and a song

And a loving caring word for all

Her personality lit the place up

Filling it with happiness and cheer

It lifted me out of a miserable state

Which I knew would help me get out of the gate

Sarah Richards is this sweet girls name

A staff nurse by profession

A rank she deserves and earned

I firmly believe her job is her vocation

I know through her tour of duty

She must bring a lot of comfort

And ease to many people

May God bless her.