Please scroll down for more information on,

sound healing & sound baths

reiki & reflexology


soul midwifery

Concessions available.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is one of the oldest forms of healing in the world, and was used by the ancient civilisations of China, Egypt, Greece and India. It is a form of vibrational medicine that works at a very deep level, through frequency and intention. It is both non-invasive and has no harmful side effects, working on the physical body and the subtle energy fields around it.

Through the application of voice including toning, chanting and singing, and the use of various percussive instruments, Tibetan and crystal bowls and also tuning forks, the mind, body and spirit can be brought into a more balanced state. The pathway for healing can be opened, and pain and illness can be reduced. A general overall sense of well being and relaxation can be achieved.

We are beings made up of millions of cells that are constantly vibrating. Every one of those cells along with every organ in the body has its own specific frequency, or resonant frequency. If illness or dis-ease come into play, the frequency will be altered and affect the whole system. Through the application of sound and specific frequencies, discordance within the body can be improved, with the cells taking on the correct vibration again.

I have been a registered Practitioner with the College of Sound Healing since 2018. A typical Sound Healing session will last around one hour with the client either lying on a treatment couch, or sitting down comfortably fully clothed. At the start of a session I will talk with the client about how they are feeling physically and emotionally, and what it is they are wanting to work on. I will intuitively work out what sounds and medium will most benefit them. There are important periods of silence throughout the treatment to let the person absorb and integrate the sounds, and time at the end for grounding and after care advice given. Often my treatments will have a crossover of both Sound and Reiki. This will be offered as an option and at no extra cost.

A one-to-one session costs £45

Find out more about Sound Healing here:

Sound Baths

Sound Bath is the space for a group sound healing session, and has nothing to do with being in the bath! You will be bathed in healing vibration and frequency, through a guided meditative sound journey lasting around fifty minutes. Crystal and Himalayan bowls, tuning forks, a variety of percussion and my voice will assist the journey.

You will either be laying down comfortably on a yoga mat or sheepskin (seated if preferred), whilst I work my way through the different instruments with a healing intention. A deep meditative state can be reached quickly with this practice, and brainwave patterns lowered.

This has a calming effect on the nervous system, boosting the immune system, regulates blood pressure and heart rate, and can restore and rejuvenate on all levels, mind, body and spirit. 

I lovingly hold a monthly women’s sound bath for up to twelve ladies, & a monthly mixed session too where all are warmly welcome, (aged over 16 years) at Church House, Abbotskerswell, TQ12 5NX. The sessions are ninety minutes in length, with the sound journey lasting around fifty minutes. There is time before and after to connect as a group, and I provide a cup of tea and a homemade snack after to help us ground.

Sessions cost £15

Private sessions can also be arranged.



Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that originates from Japan. It is a simple yet powerful practice of 'laying on of hands'. The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words. Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "Life force energy". So Reiki actually means "Spiritually guided life force energy.'' The practitioner acts as a vessel for the energy to flow through, and channels it into the recipient where it is needed.

Reiki is a gentle and deeply healing practice that can work on all levels, physically and mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki can be given with hands on or off the body, and can be delivered through the eyes and also the breath. It can also be given as a distant healing remotely if the recipient is unable to be there in person.

A typical session lasts around one hour, with the client either lying on a treatment couch or sitting comfortably and fully clothed. People generally find Reiki to be very relaxing and soothing. It can help with physical pain, improve mood and sleep and also increase a persons energy levels. The Reiki energy knows exactly where it is needed and where to flow. Often my treatments will have a crossover of both Reiki and Sound Healing. This will be offered as an option and at no extra cost.

I first started working with Reiki in 2011, and have been attuned to Reiki Master Level 3. I enjoy giving Reiki very much, and find it puts me into a meditative yet grounded space. It is something I use on a daily basis as the flow of energy is always readily available and abundant.

The Reiki Principles

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

Sessions cost £45

Distant Reiki sent remotely at a reduced rate.


Reflexology is a non-invasive hands on complementary therapy.  By applying varied levels of pressure to different points on the feet and sometimes the lower legs, hands, ears, or face, both physical and energetic blockages can be alleviated.

Each foot provides a map of the human body.  Reflexology encourages blood and energy to flow freely, bringing the body into balance. 

Some key benefits of reflexology include;

*Improving circulation *Managing pain *Lowering stress levels *Improving sleep *Managing chronic and long-term health conditions.

A reflexology treatment allows you to have an hour or so's rest, stillness and quiet, providing deep muscle relaxation and allowing the body to drop into a parasympathetic nervous system state, improving overall well-being.

I qualified as a Reflexologist with a distinction in April 2024, with the Devon School of Reflexology.  I am a member of the Association of Reflexologists (M.A.R).

Sessions cost £45


Holistic Homecare

If you are seeking some simple help and companionship at home or a kind and empathetic listening ear, wanting help with excursions out, or need assistance with personal care, I can facilitate this in a professional and holistic manner. I offer tailored loving care and support to people in their own homes at a competitive rate. I can also provide support with a terminal diagnosis or at end of life, giving respite to family members.

I have a wealth of experience of the medical model of health and care, having been a Registered Nurse since 2009. I have since built on this with the complementary therapies I have studied, and now offer a truly unique and holistic approach. I have a kind and sensitive demeanour and fun sense of humour to share too.

It’s a privilege to be able to care for someone in their own home. I approach this work with much respect, patience and flexibility in order to really meet the clients’ needs.

The homecare I offer can be adapted to suit the individual, and may incorporate my other skills and therapies as required.

Hourly Rate
from £20

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Soul Midwifery

Soul Midwives provide holistic and spiritual one-to-one care at the end of life, or to people who have a terminal diagnosis. This is where the title of ‘Soul Midwife’ comes from, it means to birth the soul.

Skills that a Soul Midwife offer are:

Holistic care to help soothe and reassure. Pastoral and spiritual companionship that is non-denominational and multi-faith. Massage/Gentle touch technique. Music and sound therapy. Relaxation and end of life bedside vigiling.

We work with people of all ages at any point on their journey, from diagnosis to the end.

There are over 600 Soul Midwives in the UK practising in care homes, hospices and the community. Some GP services are even making referrals to Soul Midwives now which is fantastic.

The Soul Midwifery movement is recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Felicity Warner who is the Principal of the Soul Midwives School, was awarded the ‘End of Life Champion of the Year Award 2017’ by the National Council for Palliative Care and the Royal College of Nursing.

I completed Level 1 Soul Midwife Practitioner Training in 2018. I then worked for eight months as a registered Soul Midwife in two care homes in Torbay.

I now lovingly offer this service to people in their own homes, residential or nursing settings, or within a hospice or hospital.

Hourly Rate £30

Find out more about Soul Midwifery here:


Therapies and Services